The I-81 Improvement Strategy was divided into two overall phases. Phase 1 began with a full needs assessment of the entire corridor followed by identifying and prioritizing Focus Areas. Environmental screenings of the prioritized focus areas and conceptual improvement candidate projects were completed in Phase 2.
Needs and priorities were accessed by evaluating safety, mobility, access and condition along the corridor. Twelve Focus Areas with consistent needs for improvements were identified by grouping similar needs based on geographic areas.
The top four focus areas are highlighted in orange. Learn more about the needs identified and feedback provided by selecting the Focus Area maps below.
Through a prioritization process, four of the 12 focus areas were advanced for development of design concepts with associated environmental screenings:
Greater Chambersburg Area Greater Carlisle Area
Greater Harrisburg Area Rural Dauphin/Lebanon
Conceptual Improvements were developed for each of the top four Focus Areas based on the needs statements, traffic characteristics, general characteristics and future solutions.
Chambersburg Focus Areas includes three full interchanges, Exit 14 (Wayne Ave, PA 316), Exit 16 (Lincoln Way, US 30), and Exit 17 (Walker Rd) and is approximately four miles in length. Safety needs for this Focus Area were isolated to Exit 14 and Exit 16 and not spread out along the mainline. Therefore, multiple concepts were created for those Exits and not the entire corridor. Auxiliary lanes connecting both Northbound and Southbound ramps from Exit 14 to 16 to 17 were constructed in 2010 providing increased mobility along mainline I-81.
For more details on the Greater Chambersburg Area, click here to access the Playbook.
Carlisle Focus Areas includes four full interchanges, Exit 44 (Allen Rd, PA 465), Exit 45 (College St), Exit 47 (Hanover St, PA 34), and Exit 52 (Middlesex/New Kingstown, US 11) as well as two half interchanges, Exit 48 (York Rd, PA 74) and Exit 49 (High St, PA 641). The focus area is approximately nine miles in length.
For more details on the Greater Carlisle Area, click here to access the Playbook.
The Greater Harrisburg Focus Area could be separated into three different locations for improvement projects; Exit 67 (US 22/322), Exit 70 (I-83), and Exit 72 (Linglestown/Paxtonia). The main concern at Exit 67 and Exit 72 is safety while both safety and mobility needs are present through the Exit 70 area.
For more details on the Greater Harrisburg Area, click here to access the Playbook.
The Rural Dauphin/Lebanon Focus Area includes approximately 10 miles in both Dauphin and Lebanon Counties between Exits 77 (PA 39) and Exits 85 (PA 934). It also includes Exit 80 (PA 743). Mobility needs along the mainline for this Focus Area are the largest concern and by addressing them will also help to address the other needs. Therefore, the main concepts for this Focus Areas address the mobility need primarily.
For more details on the Rural Dauphin/Lebanon Area, click here to access the Playbook.
© 2022 I-81 Improvement Strategy | Website by Michael Baker International